The third Kalma in Arabic means praise or sanctity, which is the act of praising Allah’s greatness and power. It is an important act of worship that has special importance for Muslims. Glorifying refers to enunciating those great attributes of Allah which is the way of understanding his power, his mercy, and his blessings.
This act may be in the form of words such as the Quran gives many verses of glory to Allah, which invite us to appreciate his great power and mercy. In addition, the glory can be done through our actions, such as the principles of humanity, the actions of ambition, hard work, and helping others.
The purpose of glorifying is to understand and appreciate the greatness of Allah, which helps us to remind the greatness and magnanimity of our Lord as a believer.
What is the 3rd, Kalma Tamjeed?
The Kalma Tamjeed is a profound Arabic phrase:
سُبْحَانَ اللهِ وَالْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ وَلا إِلَهَ إِلَّا اللهُ واللهُ أَكْبَرُ وَلا حولَ وَلا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِاللَّهِ العَلِيِّ العظيمِ
(Transliteration: Subhan Allah والحمد لله wala ilaha illa Allah wallahu Akbar wala hawla wa la quwata illa billah il-aliyy il-adheem)
Understanding the Meaning:
Let’s delve into the meaning of each part of this beautiful Kalma:
- Subhan Allah (Glory be to Allah): This first phrase expresses awe and admiration for Allah’s absolute perfection. It acknowledges His being above any flaws or limitations.
- Al-hamdulillah (All praise is due to Allah): This translates to “all praise belongs to Allah.” It’s a heartfelt expression of gratitude for Allah’s countless blessings, both big and small.
- La ilaha illa Allah (There is no god but Allah): This reaffirms the core principle of Tawheed (oneness of God). It emphasizes that Allah is the only true deity worthy of worship.
- Allahu Akbar (Allah is the Greatest): This powerful statement declares Allah’s supremacy and unmatched power. He is the greatest in every sense, deserving of all respect and reverence.
- Wa la hawla wa la quwata illa billah (There is no might nor power except with Allah): This acknowledges our complete dependence on Allah. It reminds us that all strength and ability ultimately come from Him.
- Il-aliyy il-adheem (The Most High, The Most Great): This final phrase further emphasizes Allah’s exalted status and immense power. He is the highest in rank and the greatest in all attributes.
Significance of the 3rd Kalma Tamjeed:
The Kalma Tamjeed transcends mere words; it’s a cornerstone of Muslim daily life:
- Daily Remembrance: Reciting the Kalma Tamjeed throughout the day serves as a constant reminder of Allah’s greatness and blessings. It keeps Muslims grounded in faith and gratitude.
- Spiritual Growth: Contemplating the meaning of each phrase can deepen one’s faith and connection with Allah. It fosters humility and a sense of awe.
- Hope and Strength: Acknowledging Allah’s power and our dependence on Him can provide immense comfort and strength during challenging times. It reminds us that we are not alone.
Living the Kalma Tamjeed:
The Kalma Tamjeed isn’t just a beautiful recitation; it’s a call to action. It encourages Muslims to:
- Express Gratitude: Always be thankful for Allah’s countless blessings, both big and small.
- Live with Humility: Recognize our dependence on Allah and strive to live a life that pleases Him.
- Seek Strength from Allah: Turn to Allah for guidance and strength in all aspects of life.
The third Kalma in Arabic with Urdu translation
تمجید کا مطلب ہے تعریف یا تقدیس، جو اللہ کی عظمت اور قدرت کی تعریف کا عمل ہے. یہ ایک اہم عبادتی عمل ہے جو مسلمانوں کے لئے مخصوص اہمیت رکھتا ہے. تمجید کرنے سے مراد اللہ کی ان بڑی صفات کو تنصیف کرنا ہے. جو ان کی اقتداریت، رحمت، اور ان کی نعمتوں کو سمجھنے کا طریقہ ہے
یہ عمل الفاظ کی صورت میں ہو سکتا ہے . جیسے قرآن میں اللہ کی تمجید کی بہت سی آیات ملتی ہیں. جو ہمیں ان کی بڑی قدرت اور رحمت کی تعریف کرنے کے لئے مدعو کرتی ہیں. اس کے علاوہ، تمجید اپنے اعمال کے ذریعے بھی کی جا سکتی ہے. جیسے انسانیت کے اصولوں کا اعمال میں امتیاز، محنت، اور دوسروں کی مدد کرنا ہے۔
تمجید کرنے کا مقصد اللہ کی عظمت کو سمجھنا اور اس کی تعریف کرنا ہے. جو ہمیں ایک مؤمن کے طور پر اپنے رب کی عظمت اور بڑائی کو یاد دلانے میں مدد فراہم کرتا ہے۔
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
3rd kalma in arabic pic :

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
The third Kalma in Arabic texts:
سبحان اللہ والحمد للہ ولا الہ الا اللہ واللہ اکبر ولا حول ولا قوة الا باللہ العلی العظیم

The third Kalma in arabic with Urdu translation
اللہ تعالی پاک ہے اور ہم اس کی تمیز کرتے ہیں. اور ہم اس کی تعریف کرتے ہیں.اور کوئی معبود نہیں سواۓ اللہ کے، اور اللہ سب سے بڑا ہے. اور کسی کو کوئی طاقت نہیں دینے کی بنا پر اسی کی توفیق سے کام کرتے ہیں. اسی اللہ کی تعالی کی بنیاد پر جو علی اور عظیم ہیں۔
The third Kalma in Arabic English translation
Glory be to Allah, and all praise is due to Allah, and there is no god except Allah, and Allah is the Greatest, and there is no power and no strength except with Allah, the Highest, the Greatest.
The third Kalma in Arabic transliteration
Subhan Allahi wal hamdu lillahi wa la ilaha illallahu wallahu akbaru wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahil aliyyil azeem

The third Kalma in Arabic benefits (ki fazilat)
Advantages of tamjeed (Glory of Allah):
- The recitation of this word expresses the praise and glory of Allah.
- Reading and remembering this word strengthens faith and promotes good manners.
- The recitation of kalma tamjeed helps us to see the way towards the hereafter and helps us to succeed in the world and the hereafter.
- The recitation of this word gives a solution to heart and heart problems.
- Reading and memorizing the Kalma tamjeed daily increases the persistence of worship and shows the person the way towards the last facts.
The 1st Kalma: Cornerstone of Faith in Islam |
Kalma Shahadat |
The 4th Kalma: A Foundation of Faith |
5th kalma in arabic |
3rd kalma in arabic translation in Urdu
:کلمہ تمجید کے فوائد
.اس کلمے کی تلاوت سے اللہ کی تعریف اور عظمت کا اظہار ہوتا ہے
.اس کلمے کو پڑھنا اور یاد رکھنا ایمان کو مضبوط کرتا ہے اور اچھے اخلاق کو فروغ دیتا ہے
.کلمہ تمجید” کی تلاوت سے آخرت کی طرف راہ دیکھنے کی مدد ملتی ہے. اور دنیا اور آخرت میں کامیابی حاصل کرنے میں مدد فراہم کرتی ہے
.اس کلمے کی تلاوت سے دل کی سکون اور مشکلات کا حل ملتا ہے
.کلمہ تمجید” کو روزانہ پڑھنا اور یاد رکھنا عبادت کی مستمریت کو بڑھاتا ہے . اور شخص کو آخری حقائق کی طرف راہ دکھاتا ہے
The 3rd Kalma Tamjeed, also known as the “Declaration of Glory” or “Declaration of Praise,” is a beautiful expression of faith recited by Muslims. It’s a powerful Arabic phrase that translates to:
“Subhan Allah, al-hamdulillah, la ilaha illa Allah, Allahu Akbar, wa la hawla wa la quwata illa billah il-aliyy il-adheem”
Here’s a breakdown of its meaning:
Subhan Allah (Glory be to Allah): Praising Allah’s absolute perfection and being above any flaws.
Al-hamdulillah (All praise is due to Allah): Expressing gratitude for Allah’s countless blessings.
La ilaha illa Allah (There is no god but Allah): Reaffirming the core principle of Tawheed (oneness of God).
Allahu Akbar (Allah is the Greatest): Declaring Allah’s supreme power and unmatched greatness.
Wa la hawla wa la quwata illa billah (There is no might nor power except with Allah): Acknowledging complete dependence on Allah for all strength and ability.
Il-aliyy il-adheem (The Highest, The Greatest): Further emphasizing Allah’s exalted status and immense power.
The 3rd Kalma Tamjeed goes beyond beautiful words; it’s a cornerstone of Muslim daily life. Here’s why it’s important:
Daily Remembrance: Regularly reciting the Kalma Tamjeed keeps Muslims grounded in faith and gratitude, reminding them of Allah’s greatness throughout the day.
Deepens Faith: Contemplating the meaning of each phrase fosters a deeper connection with Allah and strengthens a Muslim’s faith.
Source of Strength and Hope: Recognizing our dependence on Allah during challenges provides immense solace and reminds us that He is the ultimate source of strength.
The Kalma Tamjeed isn’t just for recitation; it’s a call to action. Here’s how to incorporate it into your daily life:
Recite it Often: Make reciting the Kalma Tamjeed a habit throughout the day.
Express Gratitude: Let the Kalma Tamjeed inspire you to express sincere gratitude for Allah’s blessings, both big and small.
Live with Humility: Internalize the meaning of the Kalma Tamjeed, fostering humility and a desire to live a life pleasing to Allah.
By incorporating the 3rd Kalma Tamjeed into your daily routine, you can strengthen your faith and cultivate a life filled with gratitude and dependence on Allah.